Hi all
iam xtx and my cfg is the virus cfg.
i downloaded it at aimbots.net.
write this in your notepad and save it as a cfg:
bind del say "^3V^0!ru$.cfg ^9@ ^1c^9heaters^1U^9topia^1.^9com ^1or ^@n^ladzcheating^1.^@c^llanservers^1.^lcom"
eth_set aimtype always
eth_set autofire on
eth_set fov 360
eth_set aimsort threat
eth_set headbody headpriority
eth_set hitbox custom
eth_set trace capsurface
eth_set predself_type 4
eth_set atkvalid off
eth_set predtarget -0.013
eth_set predself 0.000
eth_set dynamichitbox 2.00
eth_set coop friends
eth_set autocrouch on
----custom hitbox----
eth_vec stand 0.080,0.020,6.100
eth_vec crouch 0.080,0.052,6.100
eth_vec run 0.080,0.052,6.100
eth_vec prone 0.060,0.020,5.500
eth_vec crawl 0.100,0.110,6.011
eth_set hb_size 15.000,15.000,15.000
----weapon config----
eth_set autopoints high
eth_set wallhack on
eth_set blackout off
eth_set weapzoom on
eth_set smoketransp 0
eth_set radarrange 3000.000
eth_set champlayer quad
eth_set chamweapon quad
eth_set ourweapcham on
----hitbox display----
eth_set headhitbox on
eth_set headaxes off
eth_set bodyhitbox on
eth_set bulletrail on
eth_set railwallhack on
eth_set colorteam 31,95,29
eth_set colorteamhid 31,95,29
eth_set colorenemy 190,13,47
eth_set colorenemyhid 190 13 47
eth_set colorinvuln 247,156,112
eth_set colorteamweap 31,95,29
eth_set colorenemyweap 190,13,47
eth_set colorhealth 4,182,237
eth_set colorammo 244,236,55
eth_set colorheadhb 0.961,1.635,0.745
eth_set colorbodyhb 0.459,0.000,0.051
eth_set colorbulletrail 0.247,0.729,0.522
eth_set colorxaxis 0.624,0.812,0.400
eth_set coloryaxis 0.753,0.255,0.604
eth_set colorzaxis 0.824,0.573,0.757
eth_set portalanon off
eth_set rampagenum 5
eth_set rampagenotify on
eth_set ircchatmsgs current
eth_set ircconsolemsgs all
eth_set ircmention on
eth_set nameclick off
eth_set killspam on
eth_set killsounds off
eth_set hitsounds off
eth_set vw_thirdperson off
eth_set espname on
eth_set esptracker on
eth_set icontracker on
eth_set gentityicons on
eth_set gentityradar on
eth_set xhairinfo on
----other settings----
eth_set autopush on
eth_set autopush_dist 90
eth_set autopush_friendlies off
eth_set headhbtime 40
eth_set bodyhbtime 40
eth_set bulletrailtime 40
eth_set etproOs on
eth_set etproGuid 0
eth_set vw_origviewvalues off
eth_set vw_interpolatedps on
eth_set vw_damagefeedback off
eth_set preaim on
eth_set preaimtime 100.000
eth_set preshoot on
eth_set preshoottime 10.000
eth_set animcor 2000.000
eth_killspamfmt ^7[n] ^7Was ^5!nf3c+3D ^7By ^5ETH32 ^3V^0!ru$ ^7(active spree:^1[s]^7)
(U can put different names)
bind f1 name "^1V^0!ru$"
bind f2 name "^2V^0!ru$"
bind f3 name "^3V^0!ru$"
bind f4 name "^4V^0!ru$"
bind f5 name "^5V^0!ru$"
bind f6 name "^6V^0!ru$"
bind f7 name "^7V^0!ru$"
say " ^0[^bETH^332^0| ^3V^0!ru$ ^3Loaded^0]
say " ^1DOWN^9LOAD ^@Fr^lom ^1c^9heaters^1U^9topia^1.^9com ^1or ^@n^ladzcheating^1.^@c^llanservers^1.^lcom"